Map shows boundaries, district names, Mukim names, names of places, landscape, forest reserves, hills, Ayer Panas Forest Reserve, Merlimau Forest Reserve, Malacca River, Linggi River, Rembau River, Sungei Ujong, Rembau, Tampin, Muar, Malacca Town, and others
20080000023 - AccNo2305
Survey Department, Straits Settlements (S.S.)
Drawn by Chas.J.Pereira.
R.H.Young, District Surveyor.
R.V.Boswell, Acting Superintendent of Works and Surveys.
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction require written permission from copyright owner.
Seek permission from SLA for use and reproduction. Old accession number: 2305
Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore