Survey Map
Singapore Town
Map shows Municipal boundary, Mukim boundary, buildings, hospitals, temples, godown areas, wharves, recreation grounds, roads, railway, tracks, pipeline, reservoirs, rivers, canals, reclamation, swamps, cemeteries, Singapore Harbour Board area, Keppel Harbour, Empire Dock, Telok Ayer Basin, Sepoy Lines Golf Links, His Majesty Prison, Singapore River, Esplanade, Government House Domain, Farrer Park, Singapore Polo Club, Gipsy Club, and others
20080000023 - AccNo2302_2
Survey Department, Federation of Malaya Number 72_1949
Similar map as SP003043_1 but in different condition
Survey Department, Federation of Malaya

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Seek permission from SLA for use and reproduction.
Old accession number: 2302_2

Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore
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