Lorong M Telok Kurau, Still Road, Lorong Stangee, Everitt Road, Chapel Road, Sea Avenue, Cheow Keng Road, Tembeling Road and its surroundings
Map shows land division, title boundaries, and numbers, plan numbers, private housing estates, Lorong M Telok Kurau, Still Road, Lorong Stangee, Everitt Road, Chapel Road, Sea Avenue, Cheow Keng Road, Tembeling Road, Joo Chiat Road, Onan Road, Lorong 2 East Coast, Ceylon Road, Lorong E East Coast, Lorong East Coast, Lorong C East Coast, Lorong D East Coast, East Coast Road, and surroundings
20080000146 - AccNo4346_1
Survey Department, Singapore
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction only with permission.
Old accession number: 4346_1. Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore