Survey Map
Sketch Map Of The Malacca Territory
Map shows frontier (state) boundary, coastline, islands, roads, jungle paths, rivers, streams, hill hachures, police stations, mosques, mantra mission station - Jakoon, surrendered lands, unsurrendered lands, lands ungranted at the time the territory was ceded to the E. I. (East India ?) Company, list of annuitants, proprietors of unsurendered lands, place names, Malacca Town, Lingie River (Sungei Linggi), Kassang River, annotations "Naning District", "Tin Mines", "Forest", "Dense Forest", "Forest and Swamp" and Thinly Inhabited by Bugis", and others
20050000697 - AccNo961
Similar to maps SP002089 and SP002092_2 but in different conditions.
Edward Stanford, lith. 6, Charing Cross, London.

Date is estimated
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction require written permission from copyright owner.
Seek permission from SLA for use and reproduction.
Old accession number: 961

Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore
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Sketch Map Of The Malacca Territory

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