Survey Map
Singapore - Sheet 5/35 (Orchard, Tanglin, Holland)
Map shows land division, lot numbers, buildings, bungalows, hedges, stables, Government Forest Nursery, Dalvey Estate, Villa Felice, Balaclava, Mount Alma, Parkstone, Omdurman, White House, Cree Hall, Holyrood, Rock Hill, Eden Hall, Nassin Hill, Eskbank Cottage, Orange Grove, Dimboola, Waverley, Abbotsford, Somerville, Sherwood, Burnside, Woodstock, Stanmore, Craggy Lands, Barr Field, Roseheath, Woodneuk, Tyersall, Woodthorpe, Cluny Lodge, Nithsdale, Botanical Gardens, Tanglin Barracks, Holland Road, Napier Road, Pierce Road, Tanglin Hill, Orchard Road, Nassim Road, Cluny Road, Dalvey Road, and others

This copy was traced by Choo Ah Cheong on 13.7.1921. Additional markings in pencil and red ink were added on in later years and the last amendments were in 1934.

Additional information contributed by user(s):

1. One building which is not shown is St George's Church which was completed in October 1911 and still stands on Minden Drive (July 2020).

2. The former church which was shared between the Roman Catholics and Anglicans (currently the White Rabbit Restaurant, July 2020) is shown. According to the Straits Times it was built in 1895. Hence, the original map could likely be based on surveys done between 1896 and 1910.

3. The pumping engine house by the Lake in the Botanic Gardens was not built until 1907 from the Gardens' Annual Reports and likely narrows down the initial production of this map to between 1907 and the later date of 1910 suggested above.
20050000971 - AccNo1729_1
Sheet Number 5_35
Choo Ah Cheong, Survey Department, Singapore, Federated Malay States (F.M.S.) and Straits Settlements (S.S.)

Map was originally produced in 1921, additional markings in pencil and red ink were added on in later years and the last amendments were in 1934
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction require written permission from copyright owner.
Seek permission from SLA for use and reproduction.

Old accession number: 1729_1
Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore
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Singapore - Sheet 5/35 (Orchard, Tanglin, Holland)

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