Survey Map
"B". Tanjong Pagar Dock Arbitration,1905. Plan of Company's Property
"B". Tanjong Pagar Dock Arbitration,1905. Plan of Company's Property

Plan "B" covers part of Tanjong Pagar Dock Company's property, showing its property boundaries, government reserve, buildings,  land leases, police station, docks, reservoir, water pipe, Tigh Na Bruaigh, Fir Tree Hill, Letham House, Hill View, Ighiban, The Cottage, Keppel Bungalow, E.E.Telegraph Company's Cable Depot, Cattle Wharf, Telegraph Wharf, Pulau Hantu, Berdaun Island, Telok Blangah Road and others
20080000021 - AccNo2194_2
Sheet B
Plan is divided into six sections, from A to E (Acc Nos. SP003004 to SP003009) plus an unmarked sheet.
Survey Department, Singapore
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction only with permission.
Old accession number: 2194_2
Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore
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