Map covers part of Kota Tinggi District showing physical landscape, land use, buildings, kampongs, roads, tracks, footpaths, contours, spot heights, trigonometrical stations, rivers, streams, swamps, rubber estates, rubber plantations, padi fields, tin mines, ponds, Panti Forest Reserve and extension, Sungei Sedili Besar, Sungei Dohol, Mawai and others
20050000690 - AccNo268
Sheet No. 3 L_4. F.M.S. Surveys No. 73_1932
Acc. Nos. TM000 216, TM000217 and TM000218 are similar maps but TM000216 is the 1939 version and TM000218 is the 1925 version
Surveyor-General, Federated Malay States (F.M.S.) and Straits Settlements (S.S.)
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction require written permission from copyright owner.
Seek permission from SLA for use and reproduction. Old accession number: 268
Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore