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Toah Pyoh (Toa Payoh) District. Indenture No. 38, Seah Euchin Plan shows land plots along Thomson's (Thomson) Road...
Toah Pyoh (Toa Payoh) District Indenture No. 60, Seah Euchin Plan shows land surveyed and lot transferred to Tan Seng Poh on 26 Sep
Lot No. 68, Toah Pyoh (Toa Payoh) Plan shows Lot No. 68 (under Indenture No. 93) belonging to Seah Euchin with area and a 20 feet wide
Part of Lots 44, 45 and 63, Toah Pyoh (Toa Payoh) District Plan shows Indenture No. 24 owned by Charles Perrau as of 22nd. March 1852, with an area of "27Acres
Toah Pyoh (Toa Payoh) District Plan shows four lots, one of which with lot number and area (in acres, roods and poles) and owned by