Topographic Map
Malaya 1950
Fourth portion of map shows (a) Parts of Perak, Negri Sembilan and  Pahang and state of Selangor and parts of Sumatra (b) Malaya and Adjacent Teritorries (Scale 1:5,000,000). Government copyright
20120001646 - 0016
Survey Department, Federation of Malaya No. 27-1949
(4/4) There are 4 portions to this map: TM000006_1 to TM000006_4 (Physically it is one whole map). Similar to set SP002056_1 to SP002056_4.
Published under the direction of Surveyor General, Malaya
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction only with permission.
Old accession number: 7-4

Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore
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