Map covers Sarawak, Brunei, West Coast Residency, East Coast Residency, Dutch Borneo, Pulau Labuan and other islands showing boundaries, physical landscape, rivers, streams, railways, roads, villages, buildings, Brunei Bay, Kimanis Bay, Marudu Bay, Paitan Bay, Labuk Bay, Darvel Bay, Cowie Harbour, Sandakan Harbour and others. It includes a map inset covering China, Taiwan, French Indo-China, Siam, Burma, Malay States, Sumatra, Java, Flores, Sumba, Timor, Sarawak, Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas, New Guinea, part of northen Australia, the Philippines Islands and position of North Borneo highlighted in bold
20140000101 - 0005_TM000053_1
Federated Malay States Surveys No.218_1941 (1/2)
Left side of map. Right side found in TM000053_2
Compiled and drawn by the Lands and Survey Department, Jesselton, North Borneo. Printed by Map Production Branch
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction require written permission from copyright owner.
Seek permission from SLA for use and reproduction. Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore