Survey Map
Selangor 1929
Map shows state boundary with Negri Sembilan, land use, districts, Mukims, names of places, agricultural and mining lands, forest reserves, Malay reserves, other reserves, roads, tracks, footpaths, railways, rivers, Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Kuala Langat and others
20050000697 - AccNo917_2
F.M.S. Surveys No. 36-1930
This is the bottom portion of maps SP002059_1 and SP002059_2. (Physically it is one whole map)

This map is similar to SP001401_1 (top) and SP001401_2 (bottom)  but in different condition.
Published under the direction of the Surveyor General, Federated Malay States_F.M.S. and Straits Settlements_S.S.
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction only with permission.
Old accession number: 917_2
Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore
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