SWD 142-56
Rural News
The file consists of a number of Rural News publications that provide news of various community matters, the questions asked at Rural Board meetings and the answers provided, as well as articles providing tips on agriculture, farming and fishing. The publications found in the file are:
Rural News publication Vol III No. 4, May 1958
Rural News publication Vol III No. 3, April 1958
Rural News publication Vol III No. 2, March 1958
Rural News publication Vol III No. 1, February 1958
Rural News publication Vol II No. 11, December 1957
Rural News publication Vol II No. 10, November 1957
Rural News publication Vol II No. 9, Sep/Oct 1957
Rural News publication Vol II No. 8, August 1957
Rural News publication Vol II No. 7, July 1957
Rural News publication Vol II No. 5, April 1957
Rural News publication Vol II No. 4, March 1957
Rural News publication Vol II No. 3, Jan/Feb 1957
Rural News publication Vol II No. 1, Oct/Nov 1956
Rural News publication Vol I No. 11, August 1956
Rural News publication Vol I No. 10, July 1956
Rural News publication Vol I No. 9, June 1956
Rural News publication Vol I No. 8, May 1956
May 1956 - May 1958
MSA 2791
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