Telecommunication Authority of Singapore
On 1 April 1972 Telecommunications Department converted to a statutory body -- the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS). It  administered all telecommunications services, except the local telephone service. In 1974, the Singapore Telephone Board (STB) was merged with TAS to form a larger Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS). The new TAS was entirely responsible for both the internal and external telecommunications of Singapore.  Telecoms. Eventually, on 1 Oct 1982, the TAS merged with the Postal Services Department. The new statutory board retained the name 'Telecommunication Authority of Singapore' (Singapore Telecom).  

On 1 April 1992, Singapore Telecom became a corporatised entity. It is now a telecommunications and postal operating company named Singapore Telecommunications Private Limited.  Singapore Post Private Ltd was formed to handle the postal aspect. The Telecommunication Authority of Singapore was reconstituted and remains a statutory board, taking on regulatory and licensing duties for telecommunications and postal services in Singapore. In its new role,  the TAS concentrate on its two principal functions as both a national regulator and a promoter of the telecommunication and postal industries in Singapore. It develops and implements policies to provide Singapore with world-class telecommunication and postal services and infrastructure as to enhance Singapore's economic competitiveness, and quality of life.

On 1 Dec 1999, the TAS was merged with the National Computer Board (NCB) to form the Infocomm Development Authority, a statutory board under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT).

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