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Compilation Of World War II Footage (Tape 4 Of 4)
- ITN Source Fonds
ITN Source
- 1936-1951
Record Date
- 00:37:40
Recorded Duration
Accession No.
- Audiovisual
- Digital Betacam
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Synopsis :1. 'Surrender in the Far East' (August 1945, English)
Shots of plane carrying Japanese surrender envoys in the air escorted by American fighter planes. Shot of Japanese plane landing. Shot of man using radio. Shots of Japanese surrender envoys, including Vice Chief of Staff Lt-General Tanabe, leaving the plane and boarding an American transport plane. Shots of a Japanese red cross ship seized off the Australian coast. Shots of a Japanese man coming out of a hold onto the deck. Shot of a case of artillery shells. Shot of men leave ship with hands on their heads. Various shots of surrendered Japanese P.O.W.s in a prison camp in Burma. Shot of Chinese girl 'camp followers.' Various shots of ill Japanese P.O.W.s receiving medical treatment. Shots of General Auchinleck, commander-in-chief India, visiting hospital and chatting to Indian veterans. Shots of General Douglas MacArthur in Manila on a balcony waving to soldiers and crowds. Shots of Admiral Halsey, Admiral Rawlings and others drinking a toast on the USS Missouri. Shots of Admiral Halsey cutting a victory cake.
2. 'The Hour of Liberation' (August 1945, English)
Various shots of the Allied Fleet outside Tokyo Bay. Shots of American Admiral Halsey being winched on board the British flag ship ¿Duke of York¿ and chatting with British Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser. Various shots of planes flying in formation overhead. Shots of the Allied Fleet heading for Tokyo Bay. Shots of White Ensign flags flying onboard a British naval ship. Shots of officers using binoculars. Shots of the Japanese mainland appearing on the horizon. Shots of a Japanese pilot carrying maps of mine fields being winched aboard and searched. Shot of the Allied Fleet in Tokyo bay with Mt. Fuji in background. Shot of anchor being dropped. Shots of ships guns being trained on Tokyo. Shot of soldiers patrolling on deck. More shots of the Allied fleet. Shot of sailors using binoculars. Shot of graffiti on side of building that reads 'come after us.' Shots of cranes at a dock. Shots of Allied P.O.W.s cheering on a jetty and shaking hands with Allied soldiers. Shot of a man doing a jig. Shot of graffiti on dock wall that reads 'cooee aussie.' Shots of a P.O.W. camp in Japan. Shots of Allied P.O.W.s leaving the camp and getting on a boat. More Allied P.O.W.s cheering on the dockside. Shots of the Hospital ship ¿Benevolence¿ in Tokyo Bay. Shots of Allied P.O.W.s on stretchers being winched aboard the 'Benevolence.'
3. 'Surrender signed in Tokyo Bay' (August 1945, English)
Various aerial shots of an airfield. Close up of map of Japan indicating Atsugi. Shot of Japanese troops walking away with their full packs. Shots of American planes landing in Atsugi with American troops disembarking and raising the American flag on top of a building. Close up of map of Japan indicating Yokosuka. Shots of American landing craft arriving on the beach of Yokosuka. Shots of American Vice Admiral Carney accepting the Japanese surrender. Shots of the battered Japanese battleship Nagato and its crew. Shots of Japanese naval vessels in Tokyo Bay. Shot of the USS Missouri. Shots of General Wainwright, Major General Doolittle and General Douglas MacArthur arriving separately aboard the USS Missouri. Shots of the Japanese delegation arriving onboard the USS Missouri. Excerpt of General MacArthur's speech. Various shots of the official Japanese surrender ceremony in Tokyo Bay onboard the USS Missouri. Various shots of planes flying past in formation after the signing of the surrender.
4. 'Return to Singapore' (September 1945, English)
Shots of British Naval convoy heading towards Singapore. Shot of nurses posing for the camera. Shots of Rear Admiral Holland Lt. General Sir Philip Christision and onboard the 'H.M.S. Sussex'. Shot of the Japanese trawler carrying the Japanese advance surrender delegation. Shots of the Japanese surrender delegation coming onboard the 'Sussex'. Shots of the surrender being signed. Shots of Allied troops landing on two islands off Singapore. Shots of the 5th Indian Division boarding landing boats and arriving in Singapore. Shots of a deserted Singapore city as Japanese sentries stand on guard. Shot of Japanese troops clearing barricades and a general view of Singapore. Shots of Allied troops marching and cheering people waving at Allied vehicles driving through the streets. Shots of the local people in Singapore cheering and waving. Shots of surrendered Japanese troops watching Allied troops march past.
Shots of a Prisoner-of-War camp in Singapore being liberated. Shots of former prisoners cheering and being given cigarettes. Shots of starved skeleton-like P.O.W.s (Prisoners of War). Shots of Lord Louis Mountbatten's arrival by plane to Singapore. Shots of the Japanese official surrender ceremony to the British in Singapore on 12 September 1945. Excerpt of Lord Louis Mountbatten's speech during the surrender ceremony. Lord Louis Mountbatten gives a speech on the steps of City Hall to the crowd as the Union Jack is hoisted.
5. 'The Occupation of Tokyo and Hong Kong' (August 1945, English)
Shots of an Allied armoured column approaching Tokyo. Shots of Japanese children waving British and American flags. Shot of Japanese civilians watching the column go past. Shots of the column passing by some Allied soldiers near a bridge with a sign that read 'Tokyo.' Shot of the column on the street. Shots of MacArthur arriving at the American Embassy in Tokyo and being greeted by General Chase. Shots of MacArthur and Chase walking past a guard of honour. Various aerial and ground shots of destroyed industrial buildings. Shots of the destroyed Mitsubishi aircraft factory at Nagoya. Shot of Japanese workers posing in front of plane engines. Aerial shot of Hong Kong. Shots of British ships in the Hong Kong harbour. Shots of British landing parties head for shore. Shots of British troops patrolling and firing at sniper positions. Shots of Japanese soldiers surrendering. Shots of Japanese soldiers with hands on heads. Shot of Japanese solider searched by British soldier. Shots of Japanese officers being escorted out of Peninsular Hotel. Shots of Japanese P.O.W.s put into trucks and driven away as local people cheer. Aerial shot of Hong Kong. Rear Admiral Harcourt and Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser arrive at Government House for the surrender ceremony. Shots of Japanese General Okada and Japanese envoys at surrender ceremony. Shots of Okada signing the surrender documents and handing over his sword. Shot of Rear Admiral Harcourt accepting the sword. Shot of Japanese Admiral Fujita handing over his sword. Shot of Rear Admiral Harcourt accepting the sword. Shot of Rear Admiral Harcourt signing the surrender documents. Close up of the surrender document. Shot of the White Ensign flag being hoisted outside Government House. Shot of the British naval ships in harbour firing a 21-gun salute. Various street scenes of Hong Kong. Shots of Japanese P.O.W.s clearing away rubble and burning items as British soldiers look on. Shots of Japanese P.O.W.s marching along road
6. 'News from the Far East' (September 1945, English)
Aerial shot of Seoul, Korea. Shots of the Japanese flag flying on a mast being lowered. Shots of local people applauding. Shot of the US flag being raised. Aerial shot of Hong Kong. Shots of Japanese prisoners of war (P.O.W.s) lined up. Shot of Japanese soldiers being supervised by Indian troops as they work. Shots of Japanese P.O.W.s cleaning up roads and ditches in Singapore. Shots of a large rally in Java. Shots of Batavian police. Shots of the Indonesian University and its students. Shots of a textile mill. Shots of the administrative buildings of Java. Shots of a meeting of the municipal leaders. Shots of the Residency in Java. Shot of Major Grey at a meeting. Shots of Dr Soekarno with his cabinet. Shots of Indonesian people cheering the retaking of the railway system. Shots of two signs: 'The Republic of Indonesia has been born, every foreign domination is gone' and 'The torch of freedom could never again be extinguished in the hearts of 70 million Indonesians.' Shots of a parade of people waving the new Indonesian flags.
7. 'Places in the Far Eastern news' (September 1945, English)
Hong Kong: Shots of the local people waving flags and welcoming the 13th Chinese Army into Hong Kong who parade down the streets. Firecrackers are lit in celebration. More shots of Chinese troops marching through the streets. Shots of French troops arriving on the docks in Saigon, Vietnam, and marching down the streets watched by the French population of Saigon. Shots of General Leclerc's arrival by plane and walking past a guard of honour.
Shots of military ships arriving in a harbour with soldiers disembarking and marching away. Shots of Dr. Soekarno and his Cabinet posing for a photo. Shots of goods being unloaded from a ship. Aerial shots of the port of Pantan, Malaya. Shots of a flying boat landing and unloading sacks of rice to waiting barges. More shots of Pantan docks. Shots of Lieutenant Colonel Fredrick Spencer Chapman. Shots of Lord & Lady Louis Mountbatten visiting recovering Allied Singapore. Shots of the surrender of the Japanese 94th Military Division at Sungei Patani, during which 1400 officers surrendered their swords. Shots of the Japanese troops marching past and saluting the Union Jack.
8. 'The remains of Japan's Fleet' (1945, English)
Various shots of the destroyed Japanese fleet in Kure bay. Various shots of looted gold bars and coins recovered from underground vaults in Tokyo. Shots of American soldiers fishing with Japanese fishermen. Shots of American soldiers eating with chop-sticks. Shots of American forces test firing a 36" mortar firing 2 ton shell a unidentified location.
9. 'Hirohito visits tomb of his father' (December 1945, English)
Shot of Mt. Fuji. Shot of the tomb of Emperor Taisho, Emperor Hirohito's father. Shots of Hirohito arriving at tomb and walking up the steps. Shots of the temple's ceremonial guards bowing. Shots of Hirohito and his entourage walking back down the steps of the temple. Hirohito poses for cameras wearing many medals.
10. 'Inside Japan' (January 1946, English)
Shots of the destroyed areas of Tokyo. Shots of modern buildings and local people building temporary homes. Shots of abandoned vehicle along the road. Shots of Japanese refugees waiting at a train station. Shots of a crowded train arriving then departing. Shot of destroyed city of Yokohama. Shots of the destroyed ship building yard at Yokohama, with rusting and unfinished ships sitting in their harbour. Shots of British sailors on boats taking them on shore leave. Various shots of the devastation caused by the atom bomb in Nagasaki. Shots of British sailors on shore leave in a small unidentified fishing village and buying souvenirs.