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Imperial War Museum Tape 3
- Imperial War Museum Fonds
- 1940s
Record Date
- 01:31:41
Recorded Duration
- English
Recording Language
Accession No.
- Audiovisual
- Betacam SP
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Synopsis :The tape consists of the following rushes:
1. Admiral Halsey and Admiral Woolridge celebrating the war victory (00:02:10 - 00:02:50).
2. Aircraft bringing Japanese envoys to surrender ceremony (00:02:51 - 00:03:18)
3. American soldiers meeting the Japanese (00:03:19 - 00:03:33)
4. Aerial view of buildings in Singapore; Damaged buildings (00:03:34 - 00:04:00)
5. Indian troops arriving in Singapore (00:04:01 - 00:04:20)
6. Union Jack (00:04:21 - 00:04:30)
7. Japanese prisoners-of-war (00:04:31 - 00:04:52)
8. Expelling Japanese from Singapore, under supervision of Allied troops (00:04:53 - 00:05:39)
9. Japanese soldiers surrendering their swords after the war (00:05:40 - 00:07:00)
10. Japanese marching to prison camps (00:07:01 - 00:07:15)
11. Allied prisoners after the war (00:07:16 - 00:07:56)
12. Japanese soldiers removing prison barricades (00:07:57 - 00:08:16)
13. Cigarettes being distributed (00:08:17 - 00:08:38)
14. Undernourished prisoners-of-war walking down the street (00:08:39 - 00:08:54)
15. People welcoming Allied troops back to Singapore (00:08:55 - 00:09:23)
16. Distributing "the Straits Times" newspaper (00:09:24 - 00:10:20)
17. Japanese prisoners-of-war clearing the Padang (00:10:21 - 00:10:42)
18. Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander in Southeast Asia, inspecting the conditions of prison camps (00:10:43 - 00:10:50)
19. Lord Louis Mountbatten inspecting the parade (00:10:51 - 00:11:20)
20. Victory parade by the local population (00:11:21 - 00:11:40)
21. Chinese band marching down the street (00:11:41 - 00:12:00)
22. Flying and waving flags (00:12:01 - 00:12:15)
23. Flag being carried through the street (00:12:16 - 00:13:00)
24. Former Australian prisoners-of war being repatriated home from Singapore; Being welcomed home on arrival in Australia (00:13:01 - 00:14:13)
25. Families reunifying after the war (00:14:14 - 00:14:40)
26. Undernourished prisoners-of-war at Changi Prison camp (00:14:41 - 00:15:30)
27. Prisoners-of-war digging underground tunnels; Preparing food in prison camp; Lining up for food and shower; Playing a bass fiddle in prison camp band; radio sets (00:15:31 - 00:17:24)
28. Newspaper headlines: Japan In War', "Japan Attacks Singapore", "Japan In War: Naval Bases", "Japan Fighting Britain"; Distributing newspapers on the street (00:17:25 - 00:17:42)
29. Raising of cannons (00:17:43 - 00:18:08)
30. Japanese air force leaving in fighter planes; Planes in the air (00:18:09 - 00:19:12)
31. Japanese planes dropping bombs; Aerial view (00:19:13 - 00:20:10)
32. Map of Malaya showing Japan's military strategic planning before the war (00:20:11 - 00:20:26)
33. Japanese troops moving into Malaya (00:20:27 - 00:23:10)
34. Japanese constructing bridges to facilitate transport of military vehicles and troops (00:23:11 - 00:26:53)
35. Japanese troops arriving in Malaya via land and sea (00:26:54 - 00:28:00)
36. Damaged buildings (00:28:01 - 00:28:18)
37. Japanese troops advancing southwards (00:28:19 - 00:29:00)
38. Smoke from buildings after Japanese bombing (00:29:01 - 00:29:14)
39. Japanese plane dropping plane; Aerial view (00:29:15 - 00:30:07)
40. Japanese troops on bicycle; Military vehicles moving towards Johore Bahru (00:30:08 - 00:33:30)
41. Lieutenant General Yamashita in discussion with Japanese military officers (00:33:31 - 00:33:50)
42. Map of Singapore in the Japanese language (00:33:51 - 00:35:04)
43. Japanese troops arriving in Singapore (00:35:05 - 00:35:15)
44. Japanese bombing raids and battle scenes (00:35:16 - 00:37:25)
45. Damaged buildings (00:37:26 - 00:38:59)
46. Japanese troops moving through the jungle and the Causeway (00:39:00 - 00:42:00)
47. Battle scenes (00:42:01 - 00:43:24)
48. Japanese troops moving southwards from Kuala Lumpur (00:43:25 - 00:44:00)
49. Japanese dropping bombs from the air; Battle scenes (00:44:01 - 00:44:50)
50. Soldiers being taken as prisoners-of-war by the Japanese (00:44:51 - 00:46:00)
51. Lieutenant General Yamashita and his troops charging into Singapore (00:46:01 - 00:47:55)
52. Japanese plane dropping bomb from the air; Japanese troops marching into Singapore; Battle scenes (00:47:56 - 00:51:20)
53. British soldiers surrendering and being taken as prisoners-of-war (00:51:21 - 00:51:36)
54. Japanese troops moving southwards from Kuala Lumpur (00:51:37 - 00:53:50). Same as (48) but from a different angle
55. Japanese troops on bicycle; Military vehicles moving towards Johore Bahru (00:53:51 - 00:54:00). Same as (40) but from a different angle
56. Lieutenant General Yamashita in discussion with Japanese military officers (00:54:01 - 00:54:14). Same as (41) but from a different angle
57. Japanese attacks using cannons (00:54:15 00:54:57)
58. Japanese troops arriving by sea (00:54:58 - 00:55:20)
59. Lieutenant General Percival and his troops on their way to Ford Factory to meet Lieutenant General Yamashita (00:55:21 - 00:56:03)
60. Lieutenant General Percival and Lieutenant General Yamashita in discussion in Ford Factory (00:56:04 - 00:56:50)
61. British flag on the ground (00:56:51 - 00:56:55)
62. Japanese soldiers rejoicing upon the British surrender (00:56:56 - 0 0:57:30)
63. Japanese soldiers paying respect to the war dead (00:57:31 - 00:59:03)
64. Japanese troops arriving in Singapore in military vehicles (00:59:04 - 01:00:29)
65. Prisoners-of-war (00:01:30 - 01:01:28)
66. Japanese soldiers saluting the Japanese flag with their swords before the official British surrender (01:01:29 - 01:04:13)
67. Soldiers lining the street to welcome the arrival of Lieutenant General Yamashita (01:04:14 - 01:05:54)
68. Lieutenant General Percival shaking hands with Lieutenant General Yamashita before the official British surrender (01:05:55 - 01:06:00)
69. Lieutenant General Yamashita and officials surveying ruined battlefield (01:06:01 - 01:09:11)
70. Indian soldiers in discussion using maps (01:09:12 - 01:10:31)
71. Ships on the sea with cannons (01:10:32 - 01:14:35)
72. Indian troops boarding ship (01:14:36 - 01:15:49)
73. Ships out at sea (01:15:50 - 01:17:10)
74. Local population welcoming the arrival of Allied troops at the dock; Cheering along the streets (01:17:11 - 01:19:19)
75. Arrival of women soldiers (01:19:20 - 01:20:28)
76. Men filming the sea (01:20:29 - 01:21:40)
77. Arrival of Indian troops (01:21:41 - 01:22:37)
78. Marching troops (01:22:38 - 01:22:50)
79. Soldiers waving hands in celebration (01:22:51 - 01:23:46)
80. Japanese troops (01:23:47 - 01:27:57)
81. Local population welcoming the arrival of Allied troops at the dock (01:27:58 - 01:29:59). Same as (74) but taken from different angle
82. Jubilant crowds (01:31:00 - 01:31:30)
83. British soldiers saluting the Union Jack (01:31:31 - 01:31:41)