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  • Imperial War Museum Fonds


  • 1940s

    Record Date

  • 01:26:50

    Recorded Duration

  • English

    Recording Language

  • 2001000512

    Accession No.

  • Audiovisual


  • Betacam SP


  • Access permitted

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  • Use and Reproduction have to be enquired directly with source

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  • Synopsis :

    The  tape contains these rushes:  

    1,    British Eastern Fleet, including HMS Repulse and HMS Prince of Wales  (00:02:00 - 00:02:43)

    2.    Crowds lining up along the streets (00:02:44 - 00:03:00)

    3.    Crowds waving their hands  (00:03:01 - 00:03:10)

    4.    Undernourished prisoners-of-war   (00:03:11 - 00:03:58)

    5.    Crowds waving their hands  (00:03:59 - 00:04:17)

    6.    HMS Durham of the Eastern Fleet on exercise in the Singapore Straits  (00:04:18 - 00:04:38)

    7.    Soldiers pointing their cannons towards the sea  (00:04:39 - 00:05:13)

    8.    Nurses on board ship  (00:05:14 - 00:05:48)

    9.    View of the sea with ships in the far distance (00:05:49  -  00:06:00)

    10.  Destroyed structures (00:06:01 - 00:06:06)

    11.  Night view of the sea coast  (00:06:07 - 00:07:25)

    12.  Arrival of troops (00:07:26 - 00:08:33)

    13.  Troops marching (00:08:34 - 00:09:00)

    14.  Streets in Malaya  (00:09:01 - 00:09:11)

    15.  People  along the street welcoming the re-entry of Allied troops after the war (00:09:12 - 00:09:20)

    16.  Prisoners-Of-War (00:09:21 - 00:09:32)

    17.  Crowds smiling and waving their hands (00:09:33 - 00:11:10)

    18.  HMS Durham of the Eastern Fleet on exercise in the Singapore Straits   (00:11:11 - 00:11:46). Same as item (6) but from a different angle

    19.  Soldiers pointing their cannons towards the sea  (00:11:47 - 00:12:00). Same as item (7) but from a different angle

    20.  Ships at sea (00:12:01 - 00:12:15)

    21.  Aerial view of buildings (00:12:16 - 00:13:10)

    22.  Crowds waving their hands (00:13:11 - 00:13:48)

    23.  Soldiers receiving medical aid (00:13:49 - 00:14:00)

    24.  Undernourished prisoners-of-war (00:14:01 - 00:15:00)

    25.  British soldiers departing in Royal Air Force (RAF) planes  (00:15:01 - 00:16:00)

    26.  RAF planes taking off;  Aerial view of buildings (00:16:01 - 00:17:25)

    27.  Arrival of the Red Cross to set up the Casualty Evacuation Centre (00:17:26 - 00:17:50)

    28.  Soldiers reading newspapers for news of the war (00:17:51 - 00:18:25)

    29.  Soldiers congregating  in celebration (00:18:26 - 00:18:45)

    30.  Arrival of  Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander in Southeast Asia  (00:18:46 - 00:19:13)

    31.  Lord Louis Mountbatten inspecting parade ( 00:19:14 - 00:19:45)

    32.  Lieutenant-General A E Percival and Lieutenant-General Tomoyuki Yamashita in discussion (00:19:46 - 00:19:56)

    33.  British soldiers hoisting flag (00:19:57 - 00:20:25)

    34.  A E Percival and Tomoyuki Yamashita signing the surrender document (00:20:26 - 00:20:50)

    35.  Arrival of Major-General Gordon Bennett (00:20:51 - 00:21:00)

    36.  Gordon Bennett inspecting parade (00:21:01 - 00:21:40)

    37.  RAF soldiers leaving in a plane (00:21:41 - 00:22:15)

    38.  Red Cross vehicle (00:22:16 - 00:23:00)

    39.  RAF planes departing (00:23:01 - 00:23:35)

    40.  Japanese  prisoners-of-war clearing the Padang (00:23:36 - 00:24:09)

    41.  Radio mechanism used to transmit information during the war (00:24:10 - 00:24:40)

    42.  Lord Louis Mountbatten at the Padang; Leading the British delegation to the Municipal Building  to accept the Japanese  formal  surrender  (00:24:41 - 00:26:15)

    43.  General Itagaki Seishiro leading the Japanese delegation to the Municipal Building  for the formal surrender ceremony (00:26:16 - 00:26:49)

    44.  Lord Louis Mountbatten taking his seat in the Municipal Building;  Reading the terms of  surrender  to the Japanese military  leaders (00:26:50 - 00:27:25)

    45.  Itagaki Seishiro signing the surrender document  (00:27:26 - 00:27:44)

    46.  Lord Louis Mountbatten signing the surrender document  (00:27:45 - 00:28:29)

    47.  Lord Louis Mountbatten reading the order of the day about the Japanese surrender from the steps of the Municipal Building (00:28:30 - 00:28:40)

    48.  From 00:28:41 - 00:30:18  -  same as in items (42) to (47) but from different angle

    49.   Lord Louis Mountbatten leading his delegation out of the Municipal Building after the surrender ceremony (00:30:19 - 00:30:40)

    50.  Lord Louis Mountbatten at the Padang;  Parade of the Guard of Honour at the Padang after the surrender ceremony in the Municipal Building;   Lord Louis Mountbatten inspecting the parade (00:30:41 - 00:31:40)

    51.  Lord Louis Mountbatten reading the order of the day about the Japanese surrender from the steps of the Municipal Building (00:31:41 - 00:32:06). Same as item (47) but from different angle

    52.  Salute from Lord Louis Mountbatten (00:32:07 - 00:32:20)

    53.  Lord Louis Mountbatten inspecting the parade (00:32:21 - 00:33:10). Same as item (50) but from different angle

    54.  Lord Louis Mountbatten at the Padang;   Leading the British delegation to the Municipal Building  to accept the Japanese  formal  surrender  (00:33:11 - 00:33:32). Same as item (42) but from different angle

    55.  Itagaki  Seishiro leading the Japanese delegation to the Municipal Building  for the formal surrender ceremony (00:33:33 - 00:33:56). Same as item (43) but from different angle

    56.   Itagaki  Seishiro and his delegation leaving the Municipal Building after the surrender ceremony (00:33:57 - 00:34:00)

    57.  Lord Louis Mountbatten leaving the Padang after the surrender ceremony  (00:34:01 - 00:35:00)

    58.  Japanese prisoners-of-war (00:35:01 - 00:35:17)

    59.  Aerial view of the sea coast and buildings (00:35:18 - 00:37:00)

    60.  Soldiers on board ship (00:37:01 - 00:38:00)

    61.  Japanese prisoners-of-war clearing the Padang under the supervision of British soldiers (00:38:01 - 00:38:45). Same as item (40) but from different angle

    62.  Onlookers applauding (00:38:46 - 00:39:13)

    63.  Civil defence workers sending wounded British soldiers home via ships (00:39:14 - 00:41:15)

    64.  Japanese prisoners-of-war clearing the Padang under the supervision of British soldiers (00:41:16 - 00:41:24). Same as items (40) and (61) but  from different angle

    65.  Aeroplane (00:41:25 - 00:42:14)

    66.   Lord Louis Mountbatten at the Esplanade for war memorial service (00:42:15 - 00:43:20)

    67.   Commemorating the war dead (00:43:21 - 00:44:20)

    68.  Soldiers marching (00:44:21 - 00:44:40)

    69.  Soldiers at Esplanade for war memorial service (00:44:41 - 00:45:51)

    70.  Injured soldiers in hospital (00:45:52 - 00:46:50)

    71.  Unloading crates of first aid kits and medical supplies (00:46:51 - 00:47:50)

    72.  Doctor performing an operation (00:47:51 - 00:49:30)

    73.  Nurses in a hospital (00:49:31 - 00:52:43)

    74.  War crimes trials (00:52:44 - 00:54:40)

    75.  British troops (00:54:41 - 00:56:00)

    76.  Flying of the Union Jack flag (00:56:01 - 00:56:05)

    77.  Soldiers at the port (00:56:06 - 00:58:15)

    78.  Aerial view ((00:58:16 - 00:59:00)

    79.  Soldiers in military training (00:59:01 - 01:01:37)

    80.  Display of poster "Let Your Money Fight For Freedom"  along the street (01:01:38 - 01:02:00)

    81.  Inspecting the army ((01:02:01 - 01:03:24)

    82.  Aeroplane (01:03:25 - 01:04:00)

    83.  Soldiers waving from ship (01:05:33 - 01:05:40)

    84.  Wounded soldiers on stretchers (01:05:41 - 01:06:19)

    85.  Soldier holding a poster "Tribune drinking hours restricted" (01:06:20 - 01:06:26)

    86.  Arrival of troops (01:06:27 - 01:07:30)

    87.  Soldiers in military training (01:07:31 - 01:20:59)

    88.  Arrival of Indian troops (01:21:00 - 01:26:50)

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